Date: 12.04.2022 10 am to 12 pm (Warsaw Time)
Organized by:
Run4Life and Rewaise project. Project coordinator: Aqualia.
Frank Rogalla, Coordinator of Run4Life. Aqualia. (Spain)
Nicolás Morales, Project Manager Run4Life. Aqualia. (Spain)
Annika Nordin, SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden)
Ute Herrmann, ASB Greenworld. (Germany)
Hamse Kjerstadius, NSVA (Sweden)
Ana Ruíz Martínez, University of Valencia (Spain)
Miriam Van Eekert, Wageningen University (NL)
Jenna Seneca, SLU (Sweden)
Javier Brañas, Fertiberia (Spain)
The efficient recovery of water, fertilisers, energy and other resources from wastewater is key for the transition to a circular economy. To facilitate the recovery of resources from used water, decentralized treatment of segregated streams is one option proposed by the H2020 project, and further explored by its follow-up activities in focusing on a smart water economy.
In the case of the nutrients, the quality, and properties as fertilizers of the recovered products were tested in pot and field tests, and its safety analysed, to ensure that their properties fulfil end-user’s requirements and expectations. Results from field tests in Run4Life and other related evaluations will be presented and discussed, together with end-users’s perspectives from fertilizer companies, and other related stakeholders.
Challenges and opportunities will be discussed, in an interactive way, with the audience.
Scientists and technologists interested in resource recovery and circular economy, more specifically in optimizing materials and energy flows of nutrients, and their application as fertilizers in agriculture.