On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, we are pleased to invite you to the IWA Wastewater, Water and Resource Recovery (WWRR) 2021 Conference, which will be held at Poznan University of Technology. This time, the nutrient removal and recovery conference returns to Poland to honour prof. Jan Oleszkiewicz of the University of Manitoba for his long-standing contribution to the development of modern wastewater treatment technologies. The WWRR will provide an excellent space where many distinguished scientists and practitioners from all over the world will share their knowledge and experience. Even though the conference is focused on nutrients, new challenges will also be addressed, including energy efficient technologies, removal of emerging contaminants, resource recovery from sludge and wastewater, and water safety systems. Poznan is the capital of Wielkopolska region in western part of Poland. It is a historical city, cradle of the Polish statehood, and nowadays a modern academic and cultural center. We hope you will join us to present your work, learn from colleagues, make new friends and professional contacts and, of course, enjoy a wonderful spring time in Poland. We are looking forward to meeting you in Poznan.
Prof. Jacek Mąkinia
Chair of the Scientific Committee, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Prof. Zbysław Dymaczewski
Chair of the Organizing Committee, Poznan University of Technology, Poland

On behalf of the IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery (NRR) specialist group, I enthusiastically invite you to contribute to the "Wastewater, Water and Resource Recovery" conference. This conference is jointly hosted between the NRR and the “Design, Operation and Costs of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants” specialist group. It is the fourth event in Poland following two conferences in Krakow and one in Gdansk and is focused on a combination of practice and academic insights and new learnings and achievements for sustainable treatment and resource recovery. This conference is also dedicated to Prof. Jan A. Oleszkiewicz, the former Chair of the NRR specialist group. Prof. Oleszkiewicz has been key to many of the new learnings in much of the conference topics over the past decades and has led the organization of such events at an international level.
Dr. Sudhir Murthy
Chair of IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery Specialist Group and IWA Senior Vice President, NEWhub Corp, USA
Welcome, as the Chair of the IWA specialist group on “Design, Operation and Costs of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants” I cordially invite you to join the conference on "Wastewater, Water and Resource Recovery" which continues the successful collaboration between our specialist group and the IWA specialist group on “Nutrient Removal and Recovery”. This conference is especially dedicated to Prof. Jan A. Oleszkiewicz who started a serious of joint conferences between these two specialist groups as early as 2005 in Kraków, Poland. Therefore, it is really a pleasure for our specialist group to once again support this conference in an extremely challenging time for all wastewater professionals.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Jardin
Chair of IWA Large Wastewater Treatment Plants Specialist Group, Ruhrverband Essen, Germany
I am pleased, and it is my honour, to welcome you to Poznan at the IWA WWRR Conference. Aquanet is a community of people who are fascinated by everything that is connected with water and sewage therefore the presence of so many specialists from our sector here, in Poznan, makes me unbelievably happy. We are aware of the nowadays challenges of climate change, natural environment protection and development of water-related technologies and this is our responsibility to provide future generations with a healthy and safe world. Knowledge is a key element in solving problems, and sharing knowledge is a recipe for success. That is why we are delighted to share our knowledge and the benefits from this knowledge with those who want to share it with us. Be our guests and I wish you all success.
dr hab. Paweł Chudziński
CEO at Aquanet S.A. Poznan, Poland