This Conference is dedicated to prof. Jan Oleszkiewicz for his contribution in nutrient removal and recovery on the IWA forum and water quality in Poland over the last 25 years. In the introductory session, prof. Oleszkiewicz will give a special lecture on “Sustainable wastewater treatment compatible with new regulations”. The lecture will be followed by a presentation on “Transformations in wastewater management in Poland in the last 25 years – from the outsider to the leader”. The next session will comprise a series of keynote presentations on innovations in biological nutrient removal and recovery (North-American and European perspective) as well as case studies from large wastewater treatment plants in Eastern Europe (including Poznan WWTP).
IWA WWRR conference will be held ONLINE!
Due to the current uncertain Covid situation, after thoughtful discussions, the conference committee has decided to held Wastewater, Water and Resource Recovery - IWA Conference WWRR Poznan fully online.
We have now opened the registration system.
Click here to register for the conference
The prices of the conference have changed (please see the new price list for participants).
The early bird registration is extended to 18 Feb 2022!
Key dates:
Submission open
Extended abstract submission deadline
Notification of acceptance
Early bird registration deadline
Welcome message
On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, we are pleased
to invite you to the IWA Wastewater, Water and Resource Recovery (WWRR)
2021 Conference, which will be held at Poznan University of Technology. This
time, the nutrient removal and recovery conference returns to Poland to honour prof. Jan Oleszkiewicz of the
University of Manitoba for his long-standing contribution to the development of modern wastewater treatment
technologies. The WWRR will provide an excellent space where many distinguished scientists and practitioners from
all over the world will share their knowledge and experience. Even though the conference is focused on nutrients, new
challenges will also be addressed, including energy efficient technologies, removal of emerging contaminants,
resource recovery from sludge and wastewater, and water safety systems. Poznan is the capital of Wielkopolska
region in western part of Poland. It is a historical city, cradle of the Polish statehood, and nowadays a modern
academic and cultural center. We hope you will join us to present your work, learn from colleagues, make new friends
and professional contacts and, of course, enjoy a wonderful spring time in Poland. We are looking forward to meeting
you in Poznan.

Prof. Jacek Mąkinia, Chair of the Scientific Committee, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Prof. Zbysław Dymaczewski, Chair of the Organizing Committee, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Prof. Zbysław Dymaczewski, Chair of the Organizing Committee, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Call for paper
Main topics of the conference list
- Energy recovery in WWTPs
- Intensification of wastewater treatment processes – granular sludge, hybrid systems
- New trends in biological nutrient removal processes
- Resource recovery in WWTPs
- Sludge management
- Water reuse in urban areas
- Emerging contaminants in water
- Smart water systems
- Security of water systems
Conference secretariat mail box
Conference start